26 mar 2014

To be an Etsy' seller...great value on Handmade market

Start with a tribe or community that in fact does value what you do. And then do an ever better job of explaining and storytelling, increasing the perceived value instead of lowering the price. (Even better, actually increase the value delivered). When you don't need everyone to buy what you sell, "it's too expensive" from some is actually a useful reminder that you've priced this appropriately for the rest of your audience.

this is a part of a post taken from the Seth's blog

Never give up...

Two ways to listen

You can listen to what people say, sure.
But you will be far more effective if you listen to what people do.

3 mar 2014

La Grande Bellezza...

We are so Happy and Proud for the Oscar for Sorrentino "la grande bellezza"...
The big Beauty of Italy, Roma and our way of life...all the virtues and vices of italians...